Three contracts for DOF

Published: 18.03.2021
PSV Skandi Gamma. Photo: DOF.
The DOF Group is awarded  term contracts for three of its PSV's. 

The first award, commencing in April, is the charter of large modern PSV Skandi Gamma to Ithaca Energy (UK) Limited for a period of 2 years firm, plus 2 x 1 year options. The vessel has been working in the UKCS since 2019, and the DOF Group is delighted to be embarking on a long-term partnership with a major UK Operator.

In addition, the DOF Group has secured contracts for two large PSV's with an International Contractor, to support pipehaul operations in Guyana in 2021 and 2022. The 2021 Campaign is expected to commence in early Q3, and the award secures a backlog of at least 150 days in 2021, and 270 days in 2022. DOF has previously supported pipelay activities in Guyana with the same client, and is pleased to continue operations in a growing offshore region.

John Inge Vikan


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