Brunvoll DP2 Upgrades for More Møkster Vessels

Published: 14.03.2024
The vessels Stril Mermaid and Stril Mariner will be upgraded by Brunvoll. Illustration: Brunvoll, with photos from Møkster.
After having performed a successful upgrade to BruCon DP2 for the vessel Stril Mar in January, Simon Møkster Shipping and Brunvoll have signed contracts for upgrade of two more vessels: Stril Mermaid and Stril Mariner.

Figure 1: The vessels Stril Mermaid and Stril Mariner will be upgraded by Brunvoll. (Illustration: Brunvoll, with photos from Møkster)

In addition to replacing the existing DP2 systems for the two vessels, Brunvoll will also replace the current propulsion and thruster control systems, as well as the independent joystick system. The systems will be replaced with Brunvoll's BruCon DP2, BruCon PTC (Propulsion & Thruster Control), and BruCon JS.

"We look forward to further developing our relationship with Brunvoll. For our part, it is important to have a skilled supply chain to ensure the smooth operation of our vessels. We are committed to ensuring that the cluster and the maritime environment is complete, and the supplier network is a significant part of this," says Anne Jorunn Møkster, CEO of Simon Møkster Shipping.

The upgrade on Stril Mar, which was carried out in January, was the first delivery of BruCon DP2, and installation, testing, and approval were completed within the timeframe. Feedback from the crew onboard has also been positive.

"We are pleased with the strong relationship we have with Simon Møkster Shipping, including the DP2 upgrade for Stril Mar, and look forward to getting started with the next vessels. This time with more Brunvoll products included," says Jim Varmedal, Sales Manager for Retrofit at Brunvoll.

When the next two vessels dock, Brunvoll will deliver and install BruCon DP2, BruCon JS, and BruCon PTC systems. This will ensure even better coordination and dynamics from multiple control positions on the bridge down to the manoeuvring units below the water surface.

Dynamic positioning (DP) is using a computer-controlled system to automatically maintain a vessel's position and/or heading by using its own propellers and thrusters. Position reference sensors, combined with wind sensors, motion sensors and gyrocompasses, provide information to the computer pertaining to the vessel's position and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces affecting its position.

A DP2 system will through redundancy be able to manage a worst-case scenario system failure, by redistributing power and actuators and still maintain vessel position.

 Simon Møkster Shipping
  • Simon Møkster Shipping is a supplier of modern support vessels for the offshore energy sector with high quality specifications, designed for operations in harsh weather conditions. 
  • The company's head office is located in Stavanger, Norway and main operational area is the North- and the Barents Sea. 
  • Simon Møkster Shipping has a fleet of 15 vessels and approximately 500 employees onshore and offshore. 
  • Simon Møkster Shipping is 100% owned by the Møkster family.

  • The Brunvoll Group is a leading maritime system supplier. The group has extensive experience in the development, in-house production, and service of propulsion, positioning, and manoeuvring systems for advanced ocean-going vessels. 
  • Brunvoll is a Norwegian family-owned company with a high export share and excellent financial stability. 
  • The group is experiencing strong growth and achieved a turnover of approximately 1.5 billion NOK in 2023. 
  • The company was established in 1912 and has over 540 employees in Norway, located in Molde, Volda, Ålesund, Porsgrunn, and Dalen. 
  • Brunvoll is represented through a sales and service network in over 20 countries worldwide. 
  • runvoll's vision is "Trusted World Wide," and their values are to be responsible, reliable, and committed. 


John Inge Vikan


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